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Cita Buana School
Sekolah KB, TK, SD, SMP, SMA, Kebutuhan Khusus
Jl Paso 84, Jagakarsa
Jakarta Selatan
DKI Jakarta
(021) 7820088

Cita Buana School

Bringing Cultures Together in Bilingual Harmony

Jenjang : KB, TK, SD, SMP, SMA, Kebutuhan Khusus
Alamat : Jl Paso 84, Jagakarsa
Jakarta Selatan, 12620
DKI Jakarta
Telepon : (021) 7820088
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.sekolahcitabuana.com/
Setiap orangtua ingin memberikan pendidikan yang terbaik bagi anaknya. Dengan semakin banyaknya sekolah yang bermunculan, memilih sekolah menjadi pekerjaan semakin rumit bagi orangtua. Semakin banyak pilihan, orangtua semakin bingung memilih. Ada beberapa point penting yang bisa menolong para orangtua dalam menentukan pilihan yang paling tepat bagi anaknya. 1. KEYAKINAN. Yakinlah ...
Banyak orangtua tidak memiliki banyak waktu untuk dapat berkunjung ke sekolah-sekolah saat akan memilih sekolah yang paling tepat untuk anaknya. Jika Anda adalah orangtua yang sibuk, pergunakan daftar pertanyaan berikut untuk menanyakan hal-hal terpenting yang Anda perlu ketahui sebelum akhirnya Anda memilih sekolah mana yang akan Anda coba. Kelas apa saja ...
Tentang Lembaga
Program & Prestasi
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Tentang Lembaga

Mission & Vision


We, the students, parents and teachers of Sekolah Cita Buana, work together in bilingual harmony, believe in equity, and strive for excellence in all we do to deliver high quality education. We participate in the global community in the spirit of Pancasila (Indonesian National Philosophy).


Sekolah Cita Buana will be the leading provider in Indonesia of high quality and divergent education pathways for students of diverse backgrounds and capabilities. We will exemplify equal opportunity for all students to reach their full potential for maximum engagement in an emerging global community.


The Learning Community of Sekolah Cita Buana provides its students with a cohesive educational foundation. We believe that a learning environment which encourages cooperative endeavor and strive for individual excellence will best prepare students to meet the challenges of an emerging global community.



  • Provides a curriculum derived from both national and international sources
  • Offers a broad range of subjects including Languages, Mathematics, Science, Computer Science, Social Studies, Physical Education and recreational/creative electives at every level
  • Encourages faculty excellence through professional development opportunities for teaching staff
  • Provides opportunities for all students to optimize their learning through regular assessment
  • Provides specific learning programs for students with special needs, as well as supporting inclusion in mainstream schooling
  • Develops global awareness

Early Childhood

Your child's needs during this period are different from those of older school children, since young children experience the greatest growth and development, when the brain develops most rapidly, almost at its fullest. It is during this period when walking, talking, self-esteem, vision of the world and moral foundations are established.

“We focus on the individual needs of each child" said Ibu Joanne, the Head of Early Childhood and Primary “and by integrating the Australian and Indonesian curriculum, to form a dynamic curriculum tailor made for our student population, we provide our children with the best possible start in life”. 

The focus of early childhood education is the child. The child is central to what is planned, implemented and evaluated. It is important to observe and assess each child and plan to suit the abilities and interests of individuals and groups of children.

The learning activities at Sekolah Cita Buana reflect real life experiences and interaction with developmentally appropriate materials. Children are given the time to fully experience the activities and the encouragement to think about their experiences. The children learn through observation, imitation, exploration and direct experience with interesting materials. Children learn through using all of their senses. The program supports active child participation by including the children in planning activities.

At Sekolah Cita Buana the children are encouraged to do as much for themselves as possible so that they become independent and responsible individuals.

  • Mathematics
  • Language Arts
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Indonesian Studies
  • Information Technology 
  • Physical Education 
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Art
Program & Prestasi

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Sekolah Lain di Area yang Sama
Jl Raya Kecapi 49 RT 001/09 Jaga Karsa, Jagakarsa
Jl Kelapa Hijau 19-A Jaga Karsa, Jagakarsa
Jl Gandaria V 17 RT 009/02 Jaga Karsa, Jagakarsa
Jl Jeruk 19 RT 006/01 Jaga Karsa, Jagakarsa
Jl Durian 10Jaga Karsa, Jagakarsa
Jl Jatayu RT 005/03 Jaga Karsa, Jagakarsa
Jl Kelapa Hijau 19-A Jaga Karsa
Jalan Raya Jagakarsa No.38 Jagakarsa Kota
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