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Baby Jumper Gym Gading Serpong
Sekolah KB, TK
CBD Gading Serpong, Ruko Paramount Centre II, Blok B1-2, Kelapa Dua
(021) 29014746

Baby Jumper Gym Gading Serpong

Where Amazing Happens!

Jenjang : KB, TK
Alamat : CBD Gading Serpong, Ruko Paramount Centre II, Blok B1-2, Kelapa Dua
Telepon : (021) 29014746
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.babyjumpergym.com/
Biaya Bulanan : > Rp 1.000.000
Setiap orangtua ingin memberikan pendidikan yang terbaik bagi anaknya. Dengan semakin banyaknya sekolah yang bermunculan, memilih sekolah menjadi pekerjaan semakin rumit bagi orangtua. Semakin banyak pilihan, orangtua semakin bingung memilih. Ada beberapa point penting yang bisa menolong para orangtua dalam menentukan pilihan yang paling tepat bagi anaknya. 1. KEYAKINAN. Yakinlah ...
Banyak orangtua tidak memiliki banyak waktu untuk dapat berkunjung ke sekolah-sekolah saat akan memilih sekolah yang paling tepat untuk anaknya. Jika Anda adalah orangtua yang sibuk, pergunakan daftar pertanyaan berikut untuk menanyakan hal-hal terpenting yang Anda perlu ketahui sebelum akhirnya Anda memilih sekolah mana yang akan Anda coba. Kelas apa saja ...
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Welcome to Baby Jumper Gym

We invite you to visit us at any time—in person or through this site—and explore the life of our pre-school. We are:

- one of the best places for your little energizer;
- one of the best and most talked-about baby program; and
- one of the few country's early childhood education program that gains the attention of international media.

Most of all, we are a family committed to increasing knowledge and wisdom, and deepening understanding without forgetting how to have fun and appreciate the world's beauty. Led by love and passion for children, our faculty carries on its education with enthusiasm and professionalism with a shared sense of mission: to think beyond the possible.

Founded in 1998, Baby Jumper Gym has been witnessing extraordinary progress ever since. Our enrollments have increased greatly. Our customers’ loyalties are strong. Countless testimonies have been pouring in until this day. Our networks have spread across to Indonesia and Malaysia, and that is just the beginning. To put it simply: our students make us famous.

Whatever your main reason for visiting us today, we truly hope you will take a few moments to explore our online home. Baby Jumper Gym is a play Where Amazing Happens every single day.

Baby Jumper Gym Headquarter - Singapore


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Program & Prestasi
Our Midas touch: Power of WholeBrain

BJG program & curriculum (Enrichment, Preschool and Kindergarten) use the Whole Brain Learning Approach integrated with the Ministry of Education (MOE) Singapore curriculum to extend children’s development in the areas 
of P.I.E.S.S (Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Social Development). 

The Whole Brain Learning Approach technique focuses on the development of mental powers in the two brain hemispheres to accelerate learning power, as well as training in physical, social and independent skills.

At BJG, we dare you to believe that your children can think and do beyond the possible. Given the right training, these geniuses can read, do math, be physically intelligent, have wide encyclopedic knowledge and photographic memory.




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