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ACSC - Australian Child Studies Center
Sekolah KB, TK, Kebutuhan Khusus
Jl Abdullah Lubis no.15
Sumatera Utara

ACSC - Australian Child Studies Center

Jenjang : KB, TK, Kebutuhan Khusus
Alamat : Jl Abdullah Lubis no.15
Sumatera Utara
Telepon :
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.acsc-acec.com/
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Banyak orangtua tidak memiliki banyak waktu untuk dapat berkunjung ke sekolah-sekolah saat akan memilih sekolah yang paling tepat untuk anaknya. Jika Anda adalah orangtua yang sibuk, pergunakan daftar pertanyaan berikut untuk menanyakan hal-hal terpenting yang Anda perlu ketahui sebelum akhirnya Anda memilih sekolah mana yang akan Anda coba. Kelas apa saja ...
Tentang Lembaga
Program & Prestasi
Tentang Lembaga
Early Childhood Education

The Australian Child Studies Centre (ACSC) is a leading Australian Company dedicated to providing worlds best programs in early childhood development.

The vision of ACSC is that children and teachers will have access to the highest quality educational programs and training. This is a unique, new and dynamic approach to early childhood education.

Our coursework has been developed over many years . Thousands of Australian children have demonstrated exceptional academic and musical development through participation in these programs.

The ACSC Teacher’s Training Course is designed for people who have experience working in preschools, day care centres, enrichment centres and for new entrants into the profession.
You will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to extend the intellectual, language, physical, social, emotional, creative and spiritual requirements of children. You will also learn about ethical work practices, OH&S and quality interactions with children and families.

Our Accreditation System for preschools acts as a quality guarantee that you can use in marketing and staff recruitment.

early childhood education

Our Enrichment Centre division is dedicated to providing high quality educational programs for young children. These programs discover the interests and talents of young children early and develop their full potential for learning.

Our Children's Programspedagogical approach is based on recent scientific research in brain development. The ACSC method uses Music, Mathematics and Art to boost IQ & EQ by developing five essential parts which make up our intelligence: the left and the right brains, the cerebellum, the bone marrow and the nervous system, it will help students ‘s academic and professional lives.

Our Programs for Children with Learning Disabilities are able to assist the development of children with learning disabilities.


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Program & Prestasi

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