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Alliance Francaise Denpasar
Kursus Bahasa Perancis
Renon, Sumerta Kelod
(0361) 234 143

Alliance Francaise Denpasar

Kursus : Bahasa Perancis
Alamat : Renon, Sumerta Kelod
Denpasar, 80235
Telepon : (0361) 234 143
Email : [email protected]
Website : afdenpasar.klassys.com
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Tentang Lembaga
Program & Prestasi
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Like all other "Alliances françaises" around the world, the French Institute in Denpasar is an independent association regulated by local law (here: Indonesian law) and bound by a common purpose to the Paris Alliance. We are apolitical and non-denominational.


The establishment of the Alliance in Denpasar is the sole expression of initiatives taken by Indonesian Francophiles who wish to share their love of French language and culture with their fellow citizens. We do not play a role as a diplomatic representative of France, this is the role of the French consulate in Bali and in Jakarta. However, we do act as conduits of information and help orient those seeking information towards the competent persons in charge at the French embassy. Furthermore, we work closely in conjunction with the city of Denpasar, the Province of Bali, educational institutions, artistic communities and local cultural associations.

Alliance française

Our activities

Our activities aim at 3 goals:

1.      teaching French language.
Our assets: French courses preparing for exams and diplomas, the quality of which is recognised by local academic authorities; the support we bring to French teaching in national schools; the initial and lifelong training of our teachers, to offer an attractive method of teaching, different from that in secondary schools. Every year, Alliance française in Denpasar counts nearly 1.000 students, in classes of around 15 people.
2.      organising cultural events.

We organise French and Franco-Indonesian events (performances, recitals, exhibitions, conferences, seminars...). Every year, our agenda offers programs such as the French Festival (Printemps Français), the French Film Festival, the Poetry Festival (Printemps des Poètes), the Week of Francophonie, the Music Festival (Fête de la Musique), and much more. Every week, the Ciné-club is casting films in French with English subtitles, around a particular theme. See our culture page for more information.

3.      promoting books, written documents and Information and Communication Technologies.

French-speaking cultural documents (books, newspapers, magazines, DVD, CD, etc.) from our media-library attract many readers. Two computers allow our students and members to browse the Internet and learn French online for free.

Our ressources

Located in the South-West of Denpasar, the French Institute in Denpasar has 6 classrooms, a gallery, a media library and a garden.

Alliance française

 The financial resources of the organisation come from:
  • associate memberships (rate settled by the committee);
  • donations;
  • services provided by Alliance Française (registration and course fees, cinéclub, registration to the library, etc.);
  • subsidies, patronship et sponsorship.



To support Alliance française in Denpasar, click here.

A bit of history…


“Alliance française in Denpasar was created in 1989 by Indonesians, French and French-speaking expatriates in Bali. It was inaugurated on may, 20th 1989, by the Ambassador for France in Indonesia: Sir Patrick … and the Governor of Bali, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Oka. Its main goal is to create a place where Balinese and Indonesian people can learn French language and culture, and create a cultural exchange between Bali and France.

Many activities have been organised, such as the concert of Jean-Jacques Goldman in 1990, the jazz concert of Didier Lockwood and a few piano recitals. In February 1992, in the name of Alliance française, with the collaboration of Balinese dancers and musicians from the village of Sebatu, North of Ubud, wonderful and unforgettable performances have been presented at the Opéra de Paris for a week. This company has also been on tour in numerous cities throughout France.

Since it was open, Alliance française in Denpasar counts a huge number of students. Indeed, a great number of Balinese people need to learn French language, especially those working in tourism.

Its existence helps to contribute to the efforts of Balinese people to succeed in the tourism industry in Bali, by upgrading the services for French-speaking tourists coming to Bali. As a consequence, Bali may now boast itself to have quite a good number of French-speaking guides, most of whom have learnt thanks to the Alliance française in Denpasar.

Today (and since September 2005), Alliance française in Denpasar has its office in n° 13A Raya Puputan Street, in the prestigious area of Renon, near the administrative heart of Denpasar.

These premises are far better than those we had before. The first ones were located in Hang Tuah Street, from 1989 to 1994, and had only 3 classrooms for teaching French. Then, from 1995 to 2005, we were in a small street, Patih Jelantik Street, in a somehow concealed building, which only had 4 classrooms. 

The building we currently inhabit is more representative, younger and neater. It has more classrooms, plus a gallery / cinema. At the back, there is a garden, in which we often organise cultural activities in the open air. In front, there is a very helpful huge parking space. 

We hope that this good atmosphere can give our public and our team a good spirit so that this Alliance française may be even more dynamic and nearer the heart of our public.”

Denpasar, April 2008

Putu Kristian Kuswara

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